So the coach just stops and we all get off, now there is absolutely nothing here to see, Serge explains the place is a kilometer away but once we have crossed the railways tracks and the irrigation channel we will be fine.

yes the bridge planks were not secured and in places were missing but in for a penny as they say.

The green bit is Afghanistan (sort of) the river Oxus moves so the border changes sometimes,
Alexander The Great conquered this place in around 350 BC and left some of his staff here to rebuild and occupy the area.
An internet search brought this explanation. Alexandria is situated on the confluence of the mighty Amudar’ya (the ancient Oxus) and the Kokcha.
Across the river is a spectacular wall of steep rocks. The city became rich because it controlled the trade in lapis lazuli, but it was also situated on the Silk road.
One of the Bactrian kings, Eucratides I (c.170-c.145) honored the city by calling it after himself, Eucratidia.
It is about 2 km long and 600 m wide, and was excavated by French archaeologists and looks surprisingly like a Greek city, including temples, a palace, colonnaded courts, city wall, gymnasium (sport school), houses, Corinthian columns, free-standing statues, and a theater wth 5,000 seats.
The city’s wealth attracted enemies, and it was sacked by Sacae nomads in c.135 BCE, and later by the Yuezhi nomads (who later founded the Kushan empire in the Punjab).
(The site was re-destroyed during the Taliban war so apart from some broken pottery and low walls you see very little)

A very interesting place and I might have said this previously but it may just be the oldest thing we see on this trip (but its not finished yet)