I think there is a party going on down at the Metro

Well it seems to be a party?.
The Moscow Metro has over 150 stations, 10 lines carries up to 9 million people each day (more than London and New York combined). Tickets cost 22 rubles per trip (around 31 to the $). Trains run every minute during rush hour which stops people pushing too much. All of the signs are in Cyrillic which is a pain given I cannot understand it and being colour blind slows me down when looking for the blue line alongside the purple one but not the end of the world. The actual platforms are almost works of art whilst the entrances can be somewhat “used” looking.


The reason I am commenting is due to the large volumes of people coming and going at the Metro stations most have small villages of wooden cabins to service these people. These small enterprises sell most things, Cigarettes, Phones and phone cards, pastries, groceries, concert tickets, ice cream, CD’s, DVD,s fruit and veg, flowers (we have a 24*7 flower shop) beer and one I saw which was selling plumbing supplies.
So where is the party? well I have mentioned lots of people drinking beer on the street. Don’t get me wrong it is not everyone and there are few drunks but around the Metro it seems to be prevalent. Drinking is not allowed on the Metro so people on their way home buy a couple of bottles (more bottles than cans) and hang around the entrances drinking before going home. There is no social distinction everyone from the sharp suited business people through to the women in high fashion (Girls dress up a lot here, very high heels) and everyone in between.

No kids drinking only adults. Now of course this is somewhat of a captive audience so there are street singers and small bands happy to entertain these groups. So it seems most evenings are a bit of a party. There is usually a couple of policemen around but I have not seen any trouble at all and everyone seems to understand the protocol which is just hang around and take it easy and chat with your friends.

As well as the cabins there are normally a few people who are selling their wares. Strawberries or flowers from the garden. homemade cakes or just odds and ends. I managed to negotiate the purchase of some flowers from some old dear the other day. You need to remember to buy an odd number of flowers for some reason even numbers are only for funerals. 

This all makes for an entertaining view and something of a party atmosphere.
Anyway off to get a new Sim card for my iPhone which I got unlocked so should be good to go soon.
I was waiting to get my passport back as for some reason I need it for this. It had gone for its 4th visa but came back without it so need to try again for that towards the end of the week.
