So what’s all this International moves are fun?.
True it is an adventure but not sure the dictionary definition would include the word fun in it. Typing this sat on the floor as all the chairs have been packed there seems no stopping them this time. They have attacked the house from different directions so difficult to tell them “no not that” as I can’t be in every room at the same time. I have managed to isolate some items in a “Do not touch” area just to stop the team boxing them up and shipping them to some unknown storage point in the US. I managed to buy a new can opener yesterday for the 2 tin’s of beans I still have only to get back and find they had already packed all the plates and cutlery and pans so missed that opportunity to empty the store cupboard. I should know better by now 5th time but somehow this one seems more difficult.
Still crossing stuff off the list and that part looks fine. Judi took Eric to the vets this morning yowling as she went (Eric that is) came back with a clean bill of health and 5 syringes to give to her to “calm” her for the forthcoming voyage. Calm “her” what about me I though a nice little tablet would have done just fine mix it into her wet food which I have been training her to take. I say training its more if I don’t give it to her by 3 pm she is liable to bite me. 5 though seems a little excessive maybe some are for Judi. I can just imagine homeland security stopping me at the scanners and asking why I am trying to board a plane with syringes and what they are for. “Tranquilizers” will not be a great answer and I can envision a lengthy time in the interrogation room. Need a plan for those maybe I can say the cat is a diabetic and see if that works.
Hired the car booked the hotel for Friday night. What was a small pile of electrical stuff is slowly turning into a mountain all of which has to be left behind. US 110v the rest of the world 220v. I might just sneak the wireless router in a case if I can find space. A slight underestimation of the requirements for the last trip seems to have left us with cases on the wrong continent and Judi is trying to minimize these as Eric is the priority this time. We did a practice pack and I think everything will be fine but it will be touch and go.
Back to the packing 2 big burly men came and built a wooden frame on the drive for the piano and my prize possession a rug I bought here. It is a hanging rug not a walk on one and the pattern is of a mosque ceiling and is simply stunning. It took me 3 days to work out I could not live without it. (I love going out of business sales) I should point out it is my prized possession after Judi and Eric just in case either of them ever read this. (Judi says she is too busy and Eric says predictably “Me-ow”)
All that is left upstairs to pack is the bed. I hid some towels in the dryer so we could shower. The weather is touching 90 degrees and with the doors being open to shuttle thing back and forth it is impossible to keep the house cool. Maybe a storm this evening will cool things down, here’s hoping.
Cleared out the food cupboards so now even the beans are gone, not sure why or how we managed to end up with 3 types of dried chili’s or 2 jars of capers but no matter now they are gone. Judi of course wanted to clean all the cupboards (she is so like her mum sometimes) but I decline. I still remember having to de-grease them when we arrived. The house was not what you would have descibed as pristine when we got here and it took us about a month to fix. Anyway we have 1 emergency pizza in the freezer and a couple of bottles of wine so a picnic on the carpet is in order.
Planned to watch the US Open but it got rained off so had to watch Egypt beat Italy at football (soccer)
“How could I be so wrong”
Well trying to get through the list of things to do before we leave the US and one of them is to post some Elvis memorabilia to a friend in London. Some cool stuff actually, who would not be glad of a nail file with a picture of Elvis in the gold lame suit or for that matter a white teddy bear with a fake pink leather jacket and many items of a similar style and exquisite taste. (Sorry Bev if you read this before they arrive but prepare to be thrilled).
You know the drill off to the post office. Regular readers will know this is not my first time so I am prepared. I have already picked up the standard box and packed it and got the customs declaration form filled out. In fact the same process I used the other week to send something to Canada.
In the queue 4 in front 2 counter clerks not a problem. My turn comes I confidently stride to the counter. Wrong customs form I am told, Mmmmm it is the same one I used last time maybe Canada is a different sort of “International” destination. Ok don’t argue just take the form offered (which is not available in front of the counter) and off to fill it in. “Don’t wait in queue come straight back” is the instruction which gets me some interesting looks from the now 10 deep line behind me.
Fill out the form noting exactly the same information as on the first one To and From, value of goods, type of goods, no toxic or dangerous items. (Elvis’s hips had been declared dangerous to morals at some point but let’s leave that one out). All done and given I am in no rush I quietly slip to the back of the queue. Eagle eye spots me and tells me to “you no wait you come now” (interesting accent I note). Ok back at the counter where she checks the form and proceeds to weight the box and then says “wrong box”. Now I know this is the same box I used for Canada but she insists “this box only for first class” which is $48 rather than using another box ??? (which to me looks exactly like this one) but will only cost me $33. I sort of want to say who cares about $15 but know that I should care so now with my original box my new box, tape and bubble wrap I go to destroy a perfectly good package to put the stuff into an identical package.
Slip back into the queue and now both counter clerks insist that I jump to the front. Neither are free but make me stand at the head of the line which is mercifully only 6 long now. So back to the counter but the “other” little helper this time. Tries to charge me $48 which of course I know is wrong and I suggest maybe $33 would be more suitable. Get one of those “we have a smartass” looks but I stand firm. I have been at this now for 20 minutes and already mentally spend some of the $15 on a can opener as ours is somewhere over the Atlantic in the airfreight, 5 cheese graters and only one can opener we need to balance out lives better I think. Good job I managed to rescue one of the bottle openers otherwise I would be in serious trouble. Anyway we agree on $33 but she has no change so now the queue which is getting restless needs to pitch in as I go hunting for change for one of the 2 $20 bills I have.
Interesting that all the males just pull folded bills out of their pockets and the females open up their bags to see if they actually have a purse. On a side note why do females always seem surprised at checkouts and are never ready “oh you want money, I have to pay? for this” that’s a surprise. Then spend a few minutes finding a purse and then finding a card or the cash. Maybe it’s me I just assume if I am near a cash register I had better have some way of paying available.
A kind gentle man breaks my $20 but has to break a $10 with someone else so I can hand over $33 and escape. I am pretty sure the Post offices I am going to use soon are going to be just as much fun but the process’s here never cease to amaze me.
I have just filled out a different customs form and used a different box but no idea why, everything looked identical to me but I am not the professional here I just follow the process. How could I have been so wrong about something so simple.
Other items I have crossed off. Cancel the House and Car insurance, De-wired everything from the Tv cabinet. Managed to get some money into the new Citibank account in Moscow (it took 3 goes and cost 100 euro’s before it got in so that will get a blog of its own) Redirected the mail but that was on line so less stressful. Got the visa’s back. Got the home Pc ready to be picked up later today (its going to a friend). Booked the car hire for Wednesday. Ordered my eye drops for pick up later. Not booked the hotel for Friday yet but should not be a problem and Eric is off to the vets tomorrow and managed to book a vacation in the midst of all of this.
So it’s coming together and I suppose the countdown has begun. Got a call from the removal firm this morning asking if it was ok for them to come tomorrow and continue the packing which is only slightly worrying given they are booked to come tomorrow I am not going to worry about that I am off to find a can opener for less than $15.
June 8th “Let the games begin”
sorry got to do this one befoer it goes cold on me, I will comment on the flight home which was interesting sometime tomorrow “honest” So it is now 7 am on Monday morning, Eric the cat has been trying to get us up since 4:30 am and we actually got up at 5:30 am as Judi had a conf call at 6 am (I’m not missing that sort of thing). We arrived in Atlanta at around 4:10 yeterday and despite being first in the queue for customer clearance and our bag waiting for us it still took an hour to get through into the fresh air. 11 hour flight and almost no sleep. (I will comment on the trip tomorrow) I had the enviable task of transferring the official files, Tax, bills, credit card notes, etc into new box’s as we are good at keeping all this sort of stuff sort of organized. However in Russia Judi says responsibility will transfer to me (so the filing system will get an overhaul for sure). The “crew” arrives around 9 am and we show them all the stuff. It is piled onto the dining room table and spilling out into the hallway. Not sure exactly how the process works as we have two air containers but they are not here so everything will be put into box’s and then put into other bigger box’s. “Will they fit” is of course the thought. Anyway Judi puts me in charge and takes the car off to work. It really does not take long for the team to convert all the mish mash into organized cardboard items and given their driver has gone off with the van by 10 am they are looking for work. “Can we pack the basement please” is the question. “Sure” say and show them everything which needs to go. “Let’s be clear” I say this is for storage not airfreight. The last thing I need is to find all this stuff turning up in the apartment we have just rented. Against the house we are in it is miniscule. 11:30 “is there anything we can pack upstairs Mr Bailwei”. Fine I show them the spare bedroom and another room which we never got around to naming. I tell them to keep out of T5 which gets puzzled looks. Well I know T5 is a reference to the Heathrow terminal which opened up to great fanfare and a lot of consternation as luggage went in but often failed to come out. So T5 is named because that is where we store all our luggage cases along with other items which are essential but not often actually needed. I decide after all the work on the insurance form I had better print it off so 20 minutes later I have the 3 pages. Not sure why it took so long but it did. I sign them and place them on the now empty table. At this point I notice the labels “Bailwie Rosewell to Russia”. I had put down the way they were calling my name to the southern drawl and not an actual correct pronunciation of a miss spelt name. Ok Ok all stop. I explain this is wrong and given all the airfreight has now gone I need to get them to focus on this. All of the box’s need to be relabeled and of course none of them are here. Given the amount of red tape and the forms you have to fill in then a basic thing like the name does not match is enough to send our possessions to some cosmic black hole that even the best that Star Trek could offer could not bring them back. There is a golden rule “you don’t mess with customs people” ever ever ever ever ever. Now they tell me there is room for my bike and the golf clubs after all so time to redo the forms (3rd time) Note to self remind them again when they leave about the name. I do hope the van comes back soon though as I think they are looking to pack more things and we still need to live here for another 2 weeks. Not seen the cat for a while but trying to keep that thought in the back of my mind for as long as possible.
OK the call is done now onto the insurance valuation of the items we are sending by air freight. Easy you might think but what value do you put on that “Shiva” ornament we bought in some little French backwater village in 2001 for 30 euro’s. So it becomes a sort of “the price is right” game where we chose a number and move on. We also have to have the discussion about exactly “why” we are taking that thing and not the other thing but we don’t argue on this we just plod along. 15 minutes and we have the valuation complete. On the one hand thoughts swing between have we packed enough against are we packing too much. Well it is what it is and we can replace almost anything we leave behind.
“Is that a naked man on the balcony ?”
Judi had posed the question “is that man naked over there?”.
Well it is difficult to tell really the balcony is covered in up to waist height so “hopefully not” I reply. We are still in our temporary apartment and it is part of a small cluster of flats. All around 10 storey’s high although one of our lifts does have buttons indicating it should have 16 floors. We face East so we get the sharp sunlight which starts around 4 am. Facing us we have 2 blocks so around 80 balconies. In the afternoon when the sun is shining on them there is a constant stream of men coming and going on these balconies all of whom do not have shirts on. A sort of naked “whackamole”. Many with beer in their hand some with cell phones some appear to be grilling although the space is probably no more than 2 feet deep and 12 foot long.
The beer is no longer a surprise to us. Where ever you go there are people drinking beer out of bottles and cans. This is not to say there are lots of drunk’s just lots of people drinking beer. The other day I watched this lady who was extremely well dressed in a black suit with gold accessories holding the hand of a 3 or 4 year old strolling around with a rather large can of Heineken being lifted to her lips every couple of yards. A strange sight but it is just normal people doing normal things.
The Russians also seem to have a liking for t-shirts with English slogans although I wonder if they understand what they say. There was one very elderly lady with what you would term an ample chest which proudly proclaimed “booty call” across it. I do think the baseball cap extolling the virtues of the LA Lakers was also interesting (she would be pleased to learn they trounced the Magic in game 1). “I’m with stupid >”, “Your the one I have been waiting for”,”I survived the 80’s” and lots of name brands like Old Navy, Abercrombie, Gap, etc.
It would seem every one under the age of 30 walks around with earphones in and everyone and I mean everyone has a cell phone and is using it. The kids could be transported to any other country and would not be out of place. They follow all of the “norms” with interesting hair styles and clothing, skateboards, pocket games etc. Watching them they are no different to anywhere else I have been with small groups of giggling girls sharing text messages whilst drinking coke or coffee. Lots and lots of coffee shops around with locals dominating the scene but several Starbucks around.
I picked up the keys yesterday, well I say picked up the keys. What I actually picked up was a magnetic key to get into the building and the two which open the 3 bolt deadlock locks. I still have to pick up.
The second set for Judi
The keys to the cupboards on the landing for the winter wear.
The key for the balcony
The key for the walk through gate
The electronic key for the car park barrier
The key for the underground car park
The key for the stairway door
all of these for a place with 2 X 24 hour security guards.
I am sure it will all work itself out and today I am going to take over some of the clothes we have been accumulating on our various trips. I should be ok as we have emailed the landlady with our car registration so hopefully they will let me in, we shall see.
Anyway back to the original question, I had stepped onto the balcony to see what Judi was on about and of course I had no shirt on as it is still very hot here. I am now looking across at a lady who is looking back and probably thinking “Is that guy naked over there”
May 29th “Déjà vu, again ?”
It is 5:30 am and I am back in Moscow for the week. No particular reason except to of course see “Judinka” and try and get in front of some of those items which sometimes get in the way. Bank accounts, apartment keys, moving stuff from one place to another.
I am paying for this trip out of my accumulated Delta Air-miles. I doubt Delta will be my airline of choice so decided to use them up for this trip and it effectively cleaned me out.
I was woken up by someone working outside shoveling something and being very energetic about it at 5:30 on a Sunday morning. The trees now have leaves so I cannot see what is actually being moved so energetically but given I am up and it will be a few hours before Judi surfaces thought I would play a bit on the blog. The statistics suggest some people are reading it but they do not seem reliable as they can go up and down for the same day but I am going to persevere even if it is only as a reminder to me of what’s happening.
The “Déjà vu” reference is for Atlanta Airport. Back again for the trip and into the process. There are now “two” greeters asking me “Where’s you goin” so there must have been some people getting through going nowhere and there have reinforced the checks. I have my card in my hand so I am confident I am in the clear until one asks “where’s your ticket”. “One of those nice people behind the counters has it” I reply which is slightly sarcastic but appropriate. There is a slight Mexican stand off as we eyeball each other but I step through and they turn in unison to the next person who foolishly does not have their card out and are now searching through various bags to try and prove they are going somewhere. Personally I would have thought the 4 suit cases would have been a clue but the greeters are not falling for that old trick.
Get my ticket and hand over my two bags. They are not as big as last time as most of our bags are now in Russia so all that is left are a random collection of odds and ends of luggage. Now given I am process and Judi is logistics it is surprising that we have managed to not work out we should have returned some to Atlanta to help with getting all our “needed” items over before the removal men come. I have managed to jam a small duvet and some towels into a bag I have to buy to get my stuff back from Geneva several years ago so this is the second time it has been used in what? 10 years.
Hang around the airport which I know like the back of my hand and wait for my flight. Boarding is the usual chaos trying to board by zone when the passengers operate in a different language is amusing and the guy handling the boarding seems to be spending more time turning people away “no zone 1 not zone 5,4,5,6,3”. Frustrated he gets on to the public address and this time louder “Zone 1” only. Now I thought it was an English thing to speak LOUDER when not being understood. It is good to know we have exported this process to the rest of the world. I slip through with my Breezway ticket which is like a “get out of jail free” card in monopoly and works just fine.
I am close to the back of the plane row 31 and given zone 6 is being held I have time to settle in. Books, iPod, peanuts, Suduko etc. I look up and I know exactly what’s going to happen next. Bearing down is a guy in a mulit-colored checked jacket which even from 20 rows away what I can see is one of the worst wigs in the world. The color of straw with a texture to match and looking like it has been hacked at with blunt scissors. I know he will end up next to me, but no he believes I am in his seat which i am confident is incorrect but fine let him try. I know the plane is full so if correct I will get bumped up to business. He seems convinced the seating goes A,B,C,D,E,G,F. No sir see that little window next to the G sign thats you. Not happy with my explanation he triple checks with the attendants and then grudgingly seats himself down next to me in the window G seat. Still in his jacket with his bag under his feet his knees raised above the fold away table which will be a problem later. I try and concentrate on my Suduko wondering how long I can avoid looking at that truly remarkable hair piece. It goes through my mind how he is handled by the customs people. Does his passport show the picture? if not and this is a disguise it certainly does not work. I think the jacket is also not helping even if you miss the head piece you are not going to miss this (think technicolor dreamcoat) Maybe he is trying to travel incognito if so then it is not working as everyone who passes us takes a good long look.
Also on the plane is a princess well I assume it is a princess by the way she is instructing her servant (maybe husband) to put this up and take it down and adjust the air and give me your pillow and get some more. She also must be wearing her favorite outfit which probably fitted when she got it now but that was possibly two sizes ago and now looks a little taut. Other than this there is a guy who once we are airborn wants to open the Vodka he purchased in Duty free. This seems to be a problem for the stewardesses and his comment that we are over international waters which I think is inspirational cuts no ice with them so no ice for him. Now I do have a little sympathy for the crew and think if you are going to surreptitiously drink on a plane then probably best if you buy a half bottle of something (which I have done) rather than a 2lt bottle which is so big they have built a handle into the side of it. This is a little difficult to hide.
Hey “Hotel for dogs is on” how unusual to have the same film 3 times in a row (not). Fine I have my iPod and just settle down. Not much of a flight except I really don’t sleep at all which I will pay for later in the week I know.
We land and when that familiar “ping” of the seatbelt light goes off everyone gets up and gets ready to deplane. I sit still which seems to be annoying the bewigged guy but I say we are not getting off yet trust me. After 10 minutes the announcement comes “will everyone return to their seats we need to check for swine flu”. I turn and smile. So on they come, masks gloves gowns and rubber boots. Now the process has changes slightly as last time once checked you could leave which logically is wrong as if the last person on the plane is the “hot” one you have released the rest into the environment. This time we have all got to sit still until the everyone is checked.
This done we get off and I file into the “Diplomatic queue” which I know is actually anyone. I want to avoid being behind “wiggy” and the “salvation army group” who are all in uniform and surprised me by “not” singing on the plane. I have actually had several trips with choirs and one 12 hour trip with 150 scouts to Hong Kong, they could sing but not a lot of melody and a very small repertoir.
Ok my queue has 10 people in front of me, fine. Inch forward and then make a big leap forward as Customs turns away 5 locals who do not believe they need to fill out the form. The unaccompanied minor is next and seems slightly belligerant when asked to take off his sunglasses and baseball cap so they can identify him. Me next and I notice the customer girl has a mask on. Fine they are trying to ensure they are safe. The down side is that every time she speaks she pulls the mask down thus defeating the objective I think. Bang bang goes the stamp and I am through just beating the airline crew who get invited to the front of the diplomatic line.
Baggage claim is a bit of a mess. Last time we had three conveyrors which I thought was weird but now I understand why. This time we have one and there seems to be a flaw. the turns are too sharp so bags keep falling off and this in turn knocks off the ones behind. Rather than throw them back on they are left to pile up so it is a bit of a free for all as people are rummaging to see if their belongi
ngs are in the growing heap on the floor. I decide to go to the smoking area for a while and let them sort it out returning to find they have neatly lined them all up and I pick up my two and head out for my taxi.
Mr Grumpy my driver suggests I am late, I try and explain it was more due to the plane than me personally and off we go. It’s hot I think
May 23rd (part two) “Finally my destination is in sight”
The question to ask is why am I actually doing this. Not sure there is a clear answer. Because I can? Because I should ?
I think perhaps everyone is an Elvis fan although some have yet to openly admit it. I think apart from a great voice and good looks Elvis stands to symbolize the American dream that through your talent and hard work you can achieve anything and everything.
I am a fan not a huge one. I have maybe 2 CD’s but whenever you hear his voice ringing out there is that familiar comforting feeling. He sang well and never seemed to stretch for the note it is crystal clear and annunciated and generally something you can either follow or sing along to.
When I first arrived in the US and found he had a whole station to himself it was my Saturday morning treat to turn Sirius on and blast him through the home theater singing along as well as I could. Not sure Judi felt the same appreciation as generally she was still asleep however what better was to start the day than with a duet of Elvis and Steph singing “There will be peace in the Valley” (although maybe not in the house) anyway it was something I did for quite a while. On a trip back from buying wine in France I once bought a CD in a service area and sang along with it although Judi was in a different car so Elaine had the dubious pleasure that time but I as usual had a blast.
So the answer has to be because I want to
You might find it useful to follow this blog along with the pictures
So here I am Graceland, in my mind it would be quaint and quiet, I really should know better. Turn into the car park past the two jet planes and park near the camping ground across from all the coaches. Follow the crowd and find the ticket office there are half a dozen positions. I ask for the Mansion tour and the girl informs me the wait is probably 60 -90 minutes for the shuttle (Graceland is on the other side of the road) and suggests I might want to tour the planes and automobiles first it will have calmed down in a while.
Fine I think why not I doubt I will be back ever so $33 passes between us. The planes are interesting big chairs and beds and bathrooms, phones which the audio says actually worked which is interesting given we are not even allowed to do that on flights now! (Coming soon I am sure). There are also a few Tv’s of the tube type for tapes.
Whilst interesting they only waste 20 minutes so off to the cars. On the way I check the shuttle queue a “helper” checks my ticket and says this is 3-7, ok I give up and look puzzled she explains this means the 7th shuttle after 3pm. Not sure of the logic as it seems anyone can just wander into the queue but no matter it is open until 5pm so lots of time. To the cars, each one has a little plaque which explains which film it was used in or how / where Elvis acquired it. Of special interest is the small run about’s as these would have been very new at the time and these little quads look very out of date next to the Rolls and the MG and Ferrari. There is the Pink Cadlillac well I assume it is pink being colorblind is sometimes a drag anyway it is not white or gray so pink it shall be to me. You can check the photos.
Back to the queue after picking out some suitable souvenirs. The line moves regularly and pretty soon headsets are given out. Very useful as they begin to set the scene for us. There are people of all sizes and nationalities which is hardly a surprise. We are off across the road. The gates have their own traffic lights which is, whilst cool also only to be expected. A driveway of around 150 yards leads to the house. Graceland is one of those places like the Eiffel tower or the Sydney opera house you know what it is going to look like before you get there and id does not disappoint. It is of course smaller than your mind imagines and also fairly small by today,s American standards but that is not a put down just a comment. There is the group before us getting briefed outside the door.
Our turn ok no video and no flash but anything else is ok. I am actually first through the door and primed for action. The first thing you see is a lounge with huge white sofas and some stained glass creating a small room at the end where a baby grand piano rests along with a TV set. There is a large clock above the fireplace which is surrounded by glass tiles and gold drapes. A simply stunning site. Off around the corner to see the bedroom for the Presley seniors then onto the dining room very ornate furniture and cabinets. Black marble tiles underneath the table and a large chandelier. Purple drapes and silverware settings for six.
Through to the kitchen which the audio says was refurbished just before Elvis died. It looks kind of dated. It is large even by today,s standards and I think maybe a lot of time was spent in this area. Large refrigerator and cooker toaster TV so everything you would have yourself. Down the stairs to another lounge. Large sofas a bar, 3 TV’s, stereo system. It seems Elvis learned the then US president had 3 TV’s so he could see all three networks running at the same time so he did the same. One could only imagine with the proliferation of stations today the whole room could not show them. Anyway in it’s day this was as good as it got.
Next door the pool room is covered top to bottom in heavy patterned fabric. The same fabric is used on the couches and chairs and the pool table dominates the center of the room. Ever so slightly weird but fine we are not judging taste here we are getting an insight to someone who could have whatever they wanted. Up different stairs to the “Jungle room” which is fitted out in interesting wooden furniture African style with large carvings on some of which are animal heads. Everything is covered in what looks like animal skin but cannot detrmine which animal. Not sure what I was expecting probably zebra skin but it must have been awesome when he put it in.
Next out of the house and into a small office complex. Old filing cabinets typewriters phones. A moment captured in time. Across the back of the house which looks very calming. Through a trophy and gold disc exhibit including the famous Gold Lame suit. Outside again and across to the once racquet ball court Elvis had built. It is not another trophy room and floor to ceiling discs and plaques. It also has those show suits he was so famous for. A showman he understood you had to create a spectacle which the paying public would enjoy and he always gave them what they wanted.
Out once again and across to the garden of remembrance where mom dad and Elvis lie. Moved here after a failed attempt to steal him from a local cemetery (there are some strange people). I snatch a couple of photos at the front of the house as there are no new guests. Get a Japanese guy to take a couple of snaps of me and get dizzy with all the bowing afterwards.
I hang around the souvenir shops for a long while all themed for different items, cars, shows, sun records, films, kids.
Thinking about the house I realize there was nothing at all in the house relating to the fame or the glamour which was Elvis. No pictures, discs, posters. This was where they escaped from all of this. Nothing specifically inside the hose would actually give a clue to who owned it or what they did. All of that was outside the confines of Graceland. It was very well set out but that is to be expected however it was a family home inside if a little grand.
So worth the effort? You bet. Would I recommend it? Yes definitely if you are within 500 miles then take the detour. Would I go back? Probably, and why not (not on my own though I think it needs friends so Bev when you are ready let me know). It is quite an adventure and something I am glad I made the effort for all that was missing was some friends to share it with so “you reading this will be them” so
in the word of the icon
Thank you, Thank you very much
May 24th “two of the three kings”
Three “Kings” in Memphis?. Not really that much of a trick question and it would be remiss of me not to mention Martin Luther King Junior, BB King as well as the “king of Rock and Roll” Elvis Aaron Presley.
Martin Luther King junior was assassinated 4th April 68 in Memphis at the Lorrain Hotel which was my first port of call on Sunday. I remember the news reports but at around 16 I had no idea of the significance of the event or the man. It is only later as I grew that I could appreciate the full impact of his work and his beliefs. Promoting nonviolent tactics which did not always make him popular with his own. He is an iconic figure and his “I have a dream” is a common phrase used my many to crystallize their views.
The hotel is still maintained as it was. The central building is now a “Civil rights Museum”. I choose not to go in. I have a problem with prejudice and intolerance and I know it will only upset me so I sit on the wall and just watch the people of which there is a constant stream (and so there should be). It all looks so ordinary and without the visitors it would just be another little street. However it is there and it is worth the trouble to find it as it is an important piece of “world” not just American history.
As I write another advocate of peaceful resistance Aung san Suu Kyi is on trial in Burma and you should all be aware of Nelson Mandela’s struggles in South Africa and I am certain there are many more unsung heroes out there. His position in history is set as is the belief that everyone is equal without conditions.On to Beal Street a fairly short walk down Main St following the tram tracks. Next is BB King the legendary blues player who I think is still performing. King spent a lot of time here in Memphis and still owns property on the street which is the heart of the music / tourist area. The previous evening I wandered down the listening to the street musicians (check out a cool dude) and hanging out in a couple of the bars. Eric Clapton cites King as influencing his music. (Nice link two of my friends just saw Clapton in London). I am a bit of a blues fan and my Babe has had to endure my collection of various artists including “The Blind Boys of Alabama” who are a particular favorite of mine.
Ok Ok I will get to the last King in a moment, it’s my blog so in my own time thanks.
Next is Sun Studios. Need the car so back to the hotel (mandatory valet parking but at least it is parked, I will really miss valet parking when I leave the US). A couple of miles down the road and there it is. That huge electric guitar hanging on the corner of a three sided building. Inside the first room is of course a coffee and souvenir shop and one of the guys is sporting the Elvis sideboards (good for you) the tour only seeks to remind me how basic the process was.
You probably know Elvis came to make a record for his mother and was asked back. The session was not going well and during a break he picked up a guitar and started to sing “that’s all right, mama” and as they say the rest is history. I wonder how close a call it was right at the start. Personally I think a talent like that would have eventually found the right outlet. Anyway took a few shots but can’t get one without people in it but enough to satisfy the photo album.
Now I have filled a page I will have to create a new one just for Elvis, Graceland and Tupelo
May 23rd “drive 185 miles on I78 then take raaamp on right”
Road trips in the US can be great fun and the one I am on now is only a quick dash across Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and the tip of Tennessee to Memphis. Only 400 miles so 6.5 hours. The drive is not difficult as it appears to be freeway most of the way.
My GPS (called Gavin) has just put me on the I78 which is fine. The “raaamp” thing is because I set the voice to Australian Female a while back when England won the Ashes. That’s cricket for the uninitiated, think of it as the MLB or NBA playoffs but all played at the same place and a maximum of 5 games, or maybe 4 or 3. (Daniel I will change it to English when you win them back). So Gavin which is a she sometimes pronounces things a little differently than you might expect. I used him/her the other week driving in Belgium and we had some fun saying Vooruitgangstraat which was a little cruel of me.
So the important thing on these trips beyond staying alert is to stay amused. I am in Judi’s car and her choice of CD is not exactly the same as mine, much less country but I did rescue the “Creedence Clearwater Revival” CD from the hall stand. I had copied it for Brian the other week so it was to hand as I started out (thanks Brian) so a happy 40 minutes, now what to do with the other 5 plus hours.
Nothing much to see that is until I close in on Birmingham as this is at the bottom of the Appalachian range so I do start to see some rolling hills which reminds me when we do finally settle down I need a view. Quite pleasant I think and suddenly an open space appears on the left and “Wow” Talladega sits there in a huge clearing. Talladega is a NASCAR track which gets 143,231 people in the Grandstand on race day and several thousand more in the center of the race area. NASCAR is a bit on an acquired taste but as a convert I can tell you it is a lot more than going around in a circle 400 or 500 times. Anyway as fast as it appears it is gone.
I recheck the speed limit is 70 and a tad over that but it should be ok, I really don’t want to get pulled over we have all seen these movies where some “city folk” get pulled up for nothing and spend the next couple of decades trying to get home. Not that I believe this ever happens at all but one should not tempt fate. I am not Rambo and unlikely to turn my CD collection, GPS or iPhone into a deadly weapon. I am also not in a rush I have already booked the room so no rush.
So continue and Gavin takes me off what seems to be a perfectly good road for a tour and she normally knows what she is doing so I just take instruction (I find out why on the way home). For some reason we drift through somewhere North West of Birmingham AL.
I think that’s a big bingo hall and so is that and that and that. Not quite sure what phenomenon this is but it would seem there is quite a rash of them. Not old or closed but bright and shiny and large. A couple at the grand opening stage and 2 more opening soon. All a little weird I am used to seeing clusters of Fireworks shops as they tend to be at the county line. The same for sex shops in fact the one I passed earlier had a 40ft hording letting me know “Kalli’s Adult emporium” is now a “Superstore” which must be progress. There seems to be no rational explanation for the sheer volume of bingo halls. Maybe like some churches people split off and set up their own or maybe this is a retirement zone so lots of people available. There are Cash ones, charity ones, unlimited prize places, Eat all you can and more. Not sure I would want to be here on a Friday night at closing time. It must be a riot as they all empty out with everyone having a car it must be bedlam on the road. I wonder if there is inter hall rivalry and my mind wanders off to the Monty Python Hell’s Granny’s sketch. Try and focus there are lots of traffic lights.
Anyway back on the freeway now and behind a truck which suggest I should follow it to “Piggy Wiggy’s” I have no idea what Piggy Wiggy’s is so I think I will overtake it instead. Later on I notice it is the name of a supermarket chain, like Win Dixie and Dollar General.
I pass Tupelo which was the birthplace of Elvis and make a note to stop on the way back.
Nothing much more happens so I put on a homemade CD “Steve’s choice 2”. (We all do it we make our own CD’s then wonder why did put that song on). All saints, Boyzone, Cindy Lauper, Eric Clapton (Layla) Red Hot Chili Peppers, I heard it through the Grapevine Otis Redding, Living la vida loca Ricky Martin, Robby Williams (2) and an all time favorite song “when you say nothing at all” by a guy I can’t remember, Shania Twain, Van Morrison and finally Whitney Huston who I think had (and may still) the most perfect voice. Not sure what I was smoking when I made this one but I made 5 altogether.
Arrive at the hotel and Pass Sun Record Studios as I get close, ok another one for the list of places to go.
I have already picked my first stop tomorrow as there were two kings in Memphis.
May 22nd “To boldly go to the cinema” (for an early showing)
You know the phrase “It seemed like a good idea at the time” well it is alive and well today.
I said in the last entry I seem to have 11 hours a day to fill so why not go to an early showing of “Star Trek” great idea I think.
The 14 screen cinema at North point has it listed at 10:10 am and at just over 2 hours I will be out in time to talk to Judi who is 8 hours ahead time wise.
I assume that it will not be busy given it has been out for a while now so off I go. A ten minute drive and when I get to the complex there are only 4 cars parked. I still manage to be third in the ticket queue the guy at the front is scanning the list of films wondering what he wants to see. Now I go to the cinema to see a specific film do other people decide to go to the cinema and “then” decide what they want to see?. “That’s illogical Jim”
Anyway no bother only 10 minutes to clear everyone and I’m in. As in all of these complexes there are lots of service tills but at this time of day there is only one operator so I am now third in the queue again. The guy must be fairly new as when I order my medium diet Coke he does not try and upsize me or sell a special or chocolates, Nachos or hotdogs. I feel slighted as one expects this type of barrage every time but hey its 10:10 so off to screen 7 and settle in with the “4” other people who have come to see this Epic so early.
Trailers for Transformers, something with Adam Sandler and that guy from “Knocked up”, something with one of the cast of The Office, The girl from “my big fat Greek wedding” in something called “My life in ruins”, Stallone in a remake of “The taking Pellam 123”
enough already get the film on.
Off we go lights down music starts and “Angels & Demons” starts, what ????? all 5 of the audience stand up in union with the same thought. We are in the wrong place. We all troop out the door and stand looking at the sign above the door it clearly says “Star Trek” so without drawing straws one wanders off to see what’s going on.
From the opposite direction comes someone who looks like they are above serving popcorn (they have an official red jacket on) and we indicate the issue. He goes into screen 7 to verify we are not all delusional and comes out to confirm it is Angels & Demons and checks that this was not what we wanted to see “Doh” as if. He then goes into the opposite room screen 8 and comes back to inform us that Star Trek is playing in this one.
Now this is the Angels & Demons screening but nobody in there seems to have worked out the SS Enterprise is not actually a Papal vessel and probably think the Vulcans are a sub order of the Franciscans. The Red coat then gets out his radio and calls whoever and explains, the disembodied voice from the other end asks “are you sure” all 6 of us simultaneously respond yes.
So they stop the film but what next?. Show the correct film in the correct screen?. No that is too easy everyone has to change rooms and even though we ask, no we cannot go straight to the film we have to watch the trailers again. Transformers, Adam Sandler etc except one trailer comes up without sound now you are never quite sure so you wait a while just in case then the next trailer the same silence. (Not sure there are making silent movies any more) By now 3 of the five of us are moving towards the door.
I get there first and am immediately elected to go deal with it.
Off I go to wake up the popcorn guy as he is the only person around. I explain 8 has no sound and he picks up his radio and calls it through. “Are you sure” is the response so popcorn guy looks at me inquiringly.
Ok it’s early so I think no sarcasm no pretending you have gone deaf or that no I’m just yanking your chain I’ve just come for Nachos with hot sauce and jalapenos at 10:15 in the morning. I just say “yes I am sure” adding “do you want to come and verify”?.
Popcorn declines as he is not allowed to leave his post (maybe they are expecting a late rush of people to arrive 15 minutes after the film has started) so back to screen 8 where hurray the sound is back on and we finally settle down to the film we paid to see.
Actually it was quite a good film only a couple of double loops to follow and time shifts where someone meets themselves which I though was not allowed but let’s not spoil a good story with Vulcan logic.
As I said at the beginning “It did seem like a good idea at the time” anyway “Live long and Prosper”
May 22nd Friday fun “Eddie Izzard on Computers”
Possibly my favorite English comedian.
“Strong” language at time so be warned.This does not replace my blog but gives me time to actually write it Doh !!!!!!!!
if you have not seen the clip on “The Death Star Canteen” then well worth searching on YouTube.