And after a short interlude we will recommence with


And after a short interlude we will recommence with

Not quite sure where I left off but need to tell you about our visit to the “Moscow Sate Circus” something which was our surprise for Mike and Lan when they visited the other week. One of the reasons for the surprise was it did not allow them any time to say they objected given there would be animals involved and you never know these days what people object to. Anyway Mike worked out where we were going about 4 stops before we got off the Metro. You see there is still an art to decoding maps and working out where you are and what the options are.

The actual metro we were on was packed to the rafters as it was on the same line used by the Russian soccer fans on their way to the World cup qualifier with Germany being held locally which they lost however there were no riots or fights and given the high police presence and the massed ranks of army personnel hanging around not a complete surprise (you don’t mess with those guys you just do what you are told).

We emerge from the Metro opposite the State Circus building which is a huge round thing. You could tell we were in the right place as there were two humped camels and pony’s giving rides to excited kids. There were stalls selling bright coloured animals and windmills, you know those plastic things on sticks which no self respecting kid or adult in Western Europe would buy any more as they are not sophisticated enough don’t need batteries or have remote controls or 5 pages of warning about choking hazards or safety instructions.

The Russian kids I find still have an innocence and are allowed to be “children”. The rest of us hurry them through this phase and quickly into designer clothes and gameboys or what ever the current fad is. Not sure why we do this maybe we are embarrassed about them playing with a hoop and a stick or maybe we are paranoid about the fact they may even laugh and get a bit dirty (god forbid).

So into the building and to the cloak room which stretches right around the inside of the building. There is no charge for this it is a service given everywhere and needed given the weather is turning quite cool these days. I go off to try and find some sustenance to keep us going and joint a long queue to buy some coke and water. Now this is something the Russians need to get a grip of. There are 4 places to buy things serving the whole building. Each has one person serving and there are probably 3 thousand people in the audience. The Americans would have a booth every 5 meters and several people eagerly waiting to detach you from you money with a smile and an “enjoy the show”. Here it is still somewhat of an imposition to want to buy food or drinks but I eventually get to the front and a sour faced guy takes my money with a bored sigh.

Finding our seats we are surrounded by families with children in fact the place is crawling with kids. The show starts with a monolog from someone which we do not understand but I think it this young boy is talking about how he wants to grow up and run away to join the circus or something similar anyway this done the show starts with a flourish of lithe ladies in skimpy sequined costumes and large feathered headdresses flouncing about in the ring. A grand parade with performers wandering around in different directions all sparkling in the spotlights. A real circus begins with the acrobats jumping around and throwing and catching each other with “some” element of danger. Clowns entertain us as they clear the ring of some items and arrange the next. A troop of Dalmatians are next performing a routine which seems at times a little random although some of the dogs do seem distracted by the audience and have to be reminded it was their turn to jump over or through something.

There is a vast array of animals which is slightly surprising Horses, camels, various monkeys / chimps, antelope, zebra’s even porcupines. Now one has to ask how you train porcupine however their trick is to jump over a pole which is possibly something they could do in the wild anyway so maybe not that tricky really.

To set the mood for these antics the floor of the ring is littered with animal skins. Maybe as a scene setting or as a warning of failure for the cast. This seems to have an effect on one poor zebra who is galloping around with a monkey on its back it manages to slip on one of these skins and tumbles over. The monkey clearly confused that this is not part of the rehearsed script decides to make a break for it and dashes off in the direction of an exit. With several of the “minders” in tow. Getting to the exit it may have though it better not to given it did not have its coat check with it and it was cold outside and decides to come back into the arena. Not wanting to rejoin the antics in the ring it decides to wander around the audience ending up in the row right in front of us. It manages to terrify several people before deciding to settle down in a seat just in front of us to watch the rest of the show. I assume it just though I will sit here quietly and nobody will notice. Not much chance of that as several people close in on it and it quietly gets led away.

There is a ring master who I should have mentioned before as he seems to be the animal trainer for “all” of the none human acts. He is only slightly weird, that is his hair is too long and slicked back making him look a little creepy. He must have a lot of influence or someone would have had the nerve to tell him he looks a bit of a prat.

Maybe there will be a feedback form I could not it down on. Anyway he keeps reappearing in different costumes but always with a stick of some sort to make sure his prodigies keep to the script (escaping moneys exempt of course). Jo and Trina will remember our visit to the famous “Circus Apollo” in Conway where the girl who sold us our tickets was also the same one who sold us popcorn and balanced on the high wire and rode around on the horse troop, well similar to that this guy seemed to be everywhere doing everything.

An interlude is called after a couple of hours like a time out as there were no gaps in performances. A constant array of acts running around on two or four legs leaping up to or down off things. We stretch our legs but decline the opportunity to have our picture taken with an angora rabbit. Judi describes it as a “hat waiting to happen” which I find rather amusing.

The Cradle of Humankind

Which is not the Cradle of Mankind which I keep calling it after which the locals correct me. Anyway it is about an hour away from Johannesburg through the countryside. The ride is fairly pleasant as the city melts away and opens up into rolling hills. I am reminded constantly that these are the oldest hills in the world. Fine they just look like hills to me. We pass by various ostrich farms and fishing lakes and on beyond the many chicken places. You can always tell the chicken farms large low metal sheeted buildings and there must be 15 or 20 in the area which ever way you turn there is one. We pass by a small hotel which is actually the entrance to the caves where the remains of what ever Neanderthal I am off to see were found. They have some paintings down there but not being a particular fan of caves I decline. I am ok to see what they brought up I don’t need to go down and see the hole they left. Now this is a mistake which I will find out later.

Arriving at the Cradle of Humankind you can see it as a dot on the landscape as it is right in the middle of nowhere. You enter through a barrier (after paying) and get a plastic card. On to the car park and then to the actual building. Buy you tickets and you are in. Now it looks very much like it was designed on a Disney theme as the first things that happens is you get in a little boat and drift down past some simulated ice flows then volcanoes neither of which is impressive but it does get cold then hot. I think I should have invited some kids to come along. Off the boat and onto the exhibition which is constructed of bright colorful plastic with lost of “Press me” buttons where random facts are blurted out at you. Not quite what I had expected. I though is would be more sedate and museum like. I understand the need to get people engaged in history but this is dumbing down a little too far. There is no need to bring people all the way out into the middle of nowhere you could have built this in the middle of the city. There are a few bones at the end but they are only replicas so maybe the caves would have been a better bet. I have seen the area in Tanzania where they found one of our early upright ancestors (I think it was named Lucy) and you could feel the atmosphere there were people passionate about it and it came across in their explanation. The discovery was accidental by a German who was traveling the length of Africa collecting butterflies who really stumbled over it. Here it is push the button to find out what sound a dinosaur might have sounded like. I may sound disappointed and that is because I was somewhat.

Outside the view of these old hills is quite good. You can tell the rains are due as everything has that dry parched look. I can imagine it would be quite spectacular in a month or so once the summer comes.

Moving one we encounter the crying child in the souvenir shop, I say crying more whining and so was the man muttering about the price of drinks being 3 times the norm. (he had 5 kids so some sympathy goes out to him). We hand in the card at the barrier and I wonder if we really needed it. The barrier stops us so not sure what the card in actually for. Maybe to stop people stealing cars but we are in the middle of nowhere with a fence around us nobody could walk in and steal a car without the barrier people spotting them. Maybe I am just not getting the logic. So on to find lunch which is at some cheese farm a very nice little place where they say they are full and we need to wait 45 minutes until I point out the 4 empty tables and suddenly we are seated. A nice veranda with a great view, kids, dogs and chickens wandering around the tables and a great salad it was nice to just sit in the warm sunshine and watch the world go by. One of the guests causes a bit of a stir by leaving in their own helicopter which excited the kids and scared the chickens but other than that it was quite peaceful. I imagine our house in France will be something similar but the cheese will come from the market and not be made by me.

Driving back to the city over the dam which I think is more cosmetic than functional it may be more for sailing as it is not generating electricity but is surrounded by holiday homes and hotels. As the city approaches you realize the mines are really close in fact the book I read says the town sort of grew up around the mines and there are several redundant pit heads which are inside the perimeter. The mine spoils are all around like big monumental scars. A big lump of earth standing out against the flat city ground. They are reclaiming them as they think the new extraction methods can eek out a little more gold. They reckon if there is 4 oz of gold per ton of spoil it is worth doing and given glod has just topped $1000 an oz well worth the effort. Lets hop they don’t just put the rocks back where they are perhaps they could be a little more inventive and hide them.

I am not talking about work because in the main it is not exciting but on the back end of my trip so off home soon. Maybe my trip back will provide some excitement. I have a 50 minute gap between landing and taking off again and not sure if I should book my luggage through or try and pick it up, oh the excitement of it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about that

I seemed to have gone missing in action for a while but back home for a few days so a little catch up for anyone who might still be following this.

I managed to spend a little time in Soweto which is really South Western Township (and they had a competition to come up with the name “Soweto”, go figure. Now normally all you see of this place is on the TV and mainly to do with something going wrong, riots and the like and even last year there was some trouble with xenophobic attacks on people. The South Africans are concerned that given the economic state their neighbors are in having lots of other nationalities there is taking jobs from the locals.

Anyway the place itself is fairly well organized and so it should be with 2.5 million people in it. It has hospitals and several hundred schools, universities, shopping malls and all the facilities of a town. In the main the houses are small probably only 2 or 3 rooms but I have to say they do seem to take care of them and most look well managed. Not a lot of open space or flowers but maybe that is because spring is just arriving. Surprisingly not a lot of litter or graffiti some but not to the extent you might expect. Driving around people are just getting on with there lives and doing normal things. There is a cemetery where they claim there are 300 funerals a day which might be interesting to see but it is not on our itinerary. We do pass by the worlds largest taxi rank but to be honest you don’t see much so you have to take their word for it. They have 2 old power station cooling towers which are no longer in use which they have painted which is quite a sight. All bright with adverts and religious pictures on. Plus some bungee jump thing strung out between them for people who can hold their dinner down. Also not on my list. The actual power station they belonged to is still there but no longer working. My guide pointed out that despite its location it never supplied power to Soweto it was all for the people in Johannesburg not sure where the locals got theirs if they did. There is a section of the town called dark town as it has no electricity so as you would expect it is dark at night. Net it does not look as scary as you might imagine however not sure I would want to be wandering around on my own or at night.

We pass some “unregulated” dwellings which is a euphemism for tin shacks put up where they shouldn’t have. These have nothing at all except a few tin or canvas walls although I have to say there were many washing lines with clothes on them. The pigs running around the edge of the small river next to it completed the scene and you have to wonder how people survive this type of existence although my mother used to tell me you can get ued to anything.

We swing up past Nelson Mandela’s house and that of Desmond Tutu and the common quote that it is the only street in the world to have produced two Nobel peace prize winners add another layer to the place. Lunch is in a local place with local food. I have a lamb curry which is full of bones and comes with some vegetables which I do not recognize. Why did you not remind me not to have the chef special you are supposed to be looking after me. Anyway I survive and we continue wandering around . There are a couple of huge Football stadiums we see (sorry soccer) one is the new world cup stadium ready for next year and the other a local team the Orlando Pirates. Both places look like they hold 60 -80 thousand people and I know the local population is almost as devote about football as they are religion. There is an “unregistered” settlement next to one and I have $10 on that being moved before the worlds TV cameras get here.

They have put in a brand new bus lane system which people are already complaining about as it takes work away from the local taxis which are white vans really. It is strange when proposed improvements are seen as detrimental to local culture. Not sure anyone would say the taxi system which is stop anywhere and pick up people is ideal but it seems to work and people are used to it so having to find a bus stop, which by the way are in the middle of the road and queue seems to be a little too much “improvement”. We shall see,

Off for a drive in the country next to the “Cradle of Humankind” should be enlightening.

Nothing much

Nothing much

That’s what I have been doing all day nothing much. Today is Thursday and it is Heritage day in South Africa and the whole place is closed. I am working out of my apartment which is not the ned of the world. All the locals are off and many of them watching a cricket tournament which started this week. I am staying in the “Mapungubwe” an apartment hotel. Not sure what it used to be but it has been converted from something. To get to my room I take an elevator to the second floor then down the corridor out into another section. Take another elevator up to the sixth floor then go out onto the stairwell and up half a flight of stairs and here I am home.

A nice little room but none of my adapter plugs (and I have two different sets) work. I had of course forgotten this is the only place with the three pin round plugs (like the old English ones). No should that be a problem surely I can survive, well probably not with two Pc’s a Blackberry an iPhone and a camera it is difficult to be too far away from a power source. Anyway I manage to borrow one from reception so all is not lost. The Mapungubwe is right opposite where I am working so convenient if nothing else. It of course also means I have not seen anything of the city. The usual round of taxis and conference rooms, dont get me wrong it is still somewhat exciting but you never really get to enjoy a new place on your own you need someone to share it with.

I did go out for a stroll in the later afternoon after getting a little stir crazy in my room. Johannesburg has a physical style of a mid western American town. Built with very tall solid square buildings with few embellishments. Tall buildings do not allow much sunlight through and there is always one side of a block in shadow. My walk only took me a few blocks everything was closed and whilst I probably saw a hundred people the only Caucasian I saw was my own reflection in a shop window.  Not sure if I was worried or not I have to say I was aware but not much more.

Looking for something to do this weekend and there are probably too many things to choose from. Soweto is probably a must along with a tour of the city. Not sure I need a shopping expedition so maybe the Maropeng exhibition which is the “Cradle of life” site.

An interesting anecdote from my arrival. My taxi was not there and I was struggling to raise them on the phone. A woman near by offered to help and said she would phone them for me. Anyway it did not get answered so I wandered off to check the 50 + drivers stood around none with my name on. After about 5 minutes I get tapped on the shoulder and it is the woman again. The taxi firm had called back and she came looking for me through the crowd (and it was a big crowd). I thought that was very kind she was obviously waiting for someone herself and to leave her position and come and find me. She even still had them on the line. So I managed to get myself into town only 15 minutes late. You know sometimes people amaze you. There was no need for her to look after me especially trawling through the arrivals area to find me. I suppose its one of those “Random acts of kindness” they talk about.

Friday funtime

Ok enought of the drivel I put out it is Friday so I thought I would cheer you all up with a few websites you can visit.

They should provide you with some entertainment but no laughing out loud please people will start to look at you funny and avoid your cubicle (or room)

idiotic signs and things

i still love walmart (think I may be in a couple of these)

Just for young elaine,  “when duck tape just do’nt cut it”

This one is very very worrying on many levels

Have a really great weekend have fun and remember
“A job is for now and not for life” 

Regards Steve

30 minutes

It is surprising what you can see in 30 minutes. That’s how long I had to go out this morning and get the dry cleaning. It has been ready since Monday but you know how it is there is no rush except I need to get it before I depart this weekend as I doubt Judi will have the opportunity. The reason I have 30 minutes is because it does not open until 10 am and I have a conference call with someone in Sophia at 11 so I allocate quarter past until quarter to to dash out.

The first thing is to get outside then remember to go back for the rubbish, remember you have to take it out yourself. Ok second try and I am out, dump the bag and out onto the road. The first thing I notice is there seems to be leaves everywhere. Possibly a sign Autumn is here which probably means it will be over by the time my trip is over in two weeks. People diligently clearing up the leaves alongside the people sweeping their allotted section of the street. These people all seem to wear overalls which have florescent rings on which improves their safety but not their style. Cut through at the lights and cross the small park. Only a couple of people drinking beer but it is only 10:18.

Down the side alley passed the fish market. On the other side of the alley there are a few stalls selling various produce, fruit and veg, Honey, biscuits, ladies underwear?. Anyway there is an old dear selling chrysanthemums from a shopping trolley. Not in itself an unusual sight many old people will bring there surplus products and sell them on the street. I have purchased before but not today. I need to get on. Around the corner to the small mall where the dry cleaners is. I need to visit the supermarket as well and need to do that first or I will have a problem with the bag of cleaning.

They don’t like people taking bags into supermarkets in fact any supermarket. I think ti is a throw back to times when perhaps things were different. Anyway it is a pain so I avoid taking excess bags into these places. The guard eyes me suspiciously as she is busy cutting up strips of sell tape which the use to seal the plastic bags they make you put your stuff in. This should be easy, nuclear milk (so called as it never goes off). We go through a lot these days and I think the 0.5% on the label means there is only 0.5% milk in there and the rest is well not sure but whatever it is it takes a lot to change the color of my coffee. Next onions not sure why but useful. Cat litter as Eric seems to spend 25 minutes rearranging the contents of her litter tray so I think maybe she does not like the brand and hey she needs looking after as well so I am getting something different. Now I need to find some little spongy pan scrubs. Judi declared the one I was using a health hazard and threw it away. Now given I am the only on using it maybe I would have survived or maybe she has saved me from a fate worse than death we will never know. After quite a hunt it find them and am surprised at the range I can get 10 for 18 rubles or 2 for 68 rubles, I vote for 5 at 9 rubles and happy I have everything now move on towards the checkout. Today I get the lass grumpy one so almost pleasant.

The Dry Cleaners is a tiny place which must be a pain to work in. below ground no windows and tucked away in a corner so no view of passers by. Possibly why they always seem excited when you go in. I struggle to find the receipt even though I know I have it. Search everything and find it at the third attempt in my wallet. (am I becoming forgetful, I cant remember). Ok done and ticked off swing around the back of the first Metro and decide as I am in front of schedule I will take 5 minutes for a cigarette at the metro nearest the flat and people watch.

Only on person drinking, some policemen as usual although on has a machine gun over his arm, this happens when there is some event or someone is visiting Moscow. They just put a few more frighteners on view. There are a couple of guys dressed in army fatigues with guitars and a stand with their own CD’s on. They don’t sound that good but neither do s lot of people these days. I spot a woman who must have gone into the clothes shop and asked for something which will make me stand out in a crowd and look overweight. She of course got exactly what she asked for. A lime green checked pants suit. She really stands out in fact it is difficult not to focus on her. A gut in one of those very very shines suits they have over here. They are so shiny you think they may have a plastic cover or at the very least be buffed up with pledge every now and again. They are always light colored and the nearest thing I can think of is silk, shiny silk that is. There is an old woman selling flowers but she has lots of orchids and roses so I think she may have cut out the grow you own bit and just selling on. A few people handing out flyers and some with “sandwich boards” not something you tend to see in other countries.

I finish my cigarette and head back. I need to prep for my

R-E-S-P-E-C-T talk about what it means to me R-E-………………………….

Well I have to comment on some interesting things which happened over the weekend which relate to respect.

My mum got quoted on Facebook the other day the quote was “There is no excuse for bad manners” which sort of explains itself. However I think there are some people who many not know this yet as over the weekend we had outbursts from Serena Williams at the US Open, Kanye West at the VMA and Emmanuel Adebayor an English soccer player. All of these I think may be classed as bad manners or maybe being disrespectful which is a worry.

Serena’s outburst is probably the most forgivable as I really believe it was a heat of the moment thing and was just a reaction to the event. What is not forgivable was it took two days and the threat of a possible ban before an apology was given. I can understand with imposing manner she could be viewed as aggressive but the reality is that she has never done this before, admittedly she has had the odd moment but there are normally confined to chastising herself for failure rather than targeting other people. (Her fine by the way was $10k and she earned $350k go figure if that is enough of a deterrent)

Kanye West on the other hand got up on stage when his personal favorite did not win an award and took the microphone from the winner to give “his” opinion. Subsequently he has apologized 3 times (once on Jay Leno) but of course the transgression can not be taken back. This of course is not the first time he has had an outburst on a show. He famously stated he was robbed of the top prize at some awards and that he would never return, well until the next year that is. I wonder if he gets invited back next year, well he has apologized so its ok, isn’t it ???

Adebayor’s outburst and there were actually two of them in the same game is slightly more worrying. After scoring a goal he ran the full length of the pitch and taunted the opposing fans (he used to play for them). What is interesting is when both Managers were asked for an opinion both said “I did not see it” well excuse me the 35,000 people there saw it and the millions watching on TV saw it. Both of them as professionals in a sense acted in a way which either condoned the action or worse still accepted it as ok and part of the game. Well it is not ok. It is not ok that he subsequently stamped on another player (a case not proved yet but my vote is yes he did) and it is not ok for people to ignore the actions. One of the most worrying things about the players behavior was that he had spent the week disrespecting these fans and their team. In a sense you could say maybe it was inevitable. In retrospect it is less of a surprise than the others.

This type of behavior in people is not that uncommon. I could quote hundreds of people who have acted inappropriately so what’s the big deal why bring it up now (apart from the fact I need to blog on something)

Just as our children shaped by us we are shaped by the people around us. There is lots of talk about role models but do we want a role model who ignores or condones unsportsmanlike behavior. Do we think it ok to be disrespectful to others. What is so smart about imposing you view on someone else. I can not say I am white as snow here my mouth has got me into trouble lots of times. The worry for me is who is left to hold the line who stands up for respect when the very people we are expected to respect don’t.

So the question is really how to deal with this type of behavior and where do people get the impression that it is ok. If they get it from us then we need to shape up. I think it is our own tolerance for inappropriate behavior which allows these things to get out of hand. The person dropping litter or pushing into a queue is possibly where it starts. I got a very sour look from a guy outside of Athens airport the other day when I got up from my bench and picked up the cigarette butts he was dropping on the floor and put them in the bin. He seemed offended I saw it as the right thing to do. Maybe next time he might do it himself you never know.

Sometimes the right thing to do is not easy and it takes courage. To stand fast when the world is hell bent on brining itself down is not easy but if I don’t do it who will. Maybe I am in the wrong century and my views are long out of date but I was brought up to believe “there is no excuse for bad manners“.



Easy on Saturday morning

A very bad parody of Lionel Richie’s “Easy on Sunday Morning” so by now you should have gathered it is Saturday and for some reason Judi is up probably because she wants to get an update on the Tennis. The rain in New York has upset the rhythm so we are still waiting for Nadal’s game to be completed so whilst we hang around we plan the weekend. We need to shop for food as we sort of ran out a while back and have already consumed the meager contents of the fridge and the “emergency Pizza” when a while back.

I want to branch out and go somewhere new as we should not be dependant on a single place. You would be surprised what you find when you step off the beaten path and branch out a little. I get over ruled, although I question if the cat really has a vote given Eric never actually accompanies us. So the plan is Shop back for the UK football, then Tennis, Sunday filing (seems Judi is not entirely confident of my new process) holiday planning then more tennis and a home cooked meal. Well I can live with that. I actually though I would be traveling Sunday but is has been pushed back a week.

I am designated drive and the trip starts well, stop to get some cash (as you know everyone pays cash at the supermarket). About 3 miles from home just as we are trying to escape the city we come to a grinding halt. For some reason the traffic is choked up. It is reminiscent of our days in Brussels when on the odd occasion the whole place ground to a halt and mayhem takes the place of transit. I can see police redirecting traffic and it is not an accident so out of the back of my mind comes a though, I read there was a road race this weekend and it looks like our current route takes us along it. Well I say along it there is no way we are doing down that road today. We try a couple of alternative back roads only to find the police have beaten us to it. I can see runners stripping down so my guess seems well founded. So we eventually head back to the Garden ring (remember the ring with NO gardens on it).

We go round for a while until we can stop and regroup to find somewhere else to shop. Gavin our pet GPS system suggests a place 11 miles away and off we go maybe I will get my wish to visit somewhere new after all. The road is big and busy but we make good progress until we hit another jam close to our destination. Not a problem the big malls (and there are many of them) all have jams as the “relaxed” driving style of the Russians means lane discipline goes by the wayside. Only one problem there does not seem to be a Mall around. Judi says there should be an IKEA which is synonymous with a supermarket as there are always built together. Not a Mall in sight, maybe Gavin is just taking us for a ride so we turn around although we have to travel another couple of miles and do this outside a very large army barracks. There is a police checkpoint which always makes Judi nervous so probably not the time to tell her I had forgotten to bring my driving license which is a cardinal sin over here. Anyway we are not pulled over but many are and there is nothing you could put you finger on to say why. I think it is every 5 car or some simple process but maybe there are on a quota for the day and want an easy afternoon.

Ok so heading back towards town and come across the motorway so we can use this to get to our normal shopping center which we do but by now we have been traveling for about an hour and a half. First thing is to get a coffee and regroup. We wander around the shops for a while not buying just chilling then we agree it is time to hit the supermarket.

I am designated trolley man which means I need to follow someone to their car and get their trolley when they have finished. They don’t seem to employ people here to collect them and bring them back except at the end of the day and why should they when as I see all around people pairing up a full trolley with a new shopper which seems to work. The down side is my team seems to have parked as far away as possible I think for a moment they planned to steal it but with me in tow maybe they changed their mind. It takes the best part of 15 minutes to get back to Judi who is idly people watching at the entrance.

It takes another hour to get around the store, shopping here is not one of those pleasant strolls you get in the US where you can go several isles without seeing another soul sometimes wondering if you are the only one there or the place is actually closed. Here you are constantly avoiding people and they push trolleys like they drive which is dangerously. Anyway we get most of what we need and find a till with a small queue (4 people is a small queue). Pay what is quite a lot of money but we do have Printer cartridges and wine which are both equal to the price of Gold. Only one small issue, Judi has picked what she thinks is a cucumber and priced it at the weigh place and it is a pickle. (Paula you need to keep my jar I am sure it will get better with age) . There is no way we are going back to re-price it so it gets left behind.

We know we can not get home the normal way so we head along the motorway for a junction or two and then turn back into town. Even though I have no idea where we are I know the road. I cam along here at 4:30 the other week when my flight was delayed so it must be the road from Domodedovo one of our airports. So an easy drive home and we are back by late afternoon.

Judi decides to do the filing today (which when finished she declares was not that bad) and I set up the Pc to play through the TV so we can watch the UK football. Settling down Judi declares we have nothing for tea ?

Nothing for tea I have just carted 15 bags of produce from the car. It seems we have lots of things but not the right things so off to the local super market to find Lamb and Beef for tonight and tomorrow. I can do that I am pretty good at identifying raw meat. The girl behind the counter is not happy, you know that sort of “I really don’t want to be here and I don’t want to be serving stupid customers, I‘m too pretty for this and I should be on the fancy cakes counter” type of attitude. This only serves to make me smile more as I try my best to raise a smile on her face. It did not work and she dumps my purchases on the counter. Never mind maybe next time.

Back home to watch my team win away even when they go a man down, not a bad result and it seems there is life after the 80m pound sale of Ronaldo to Real Madrid. We lie second in the table and it bodes well for the season.

So an easy Saturday really.

Being home

Been at home now for 5 days and nearly recovered from the holiday. Not sure how many loads of washing were done but enough for me to run out of places to hang them. Then of course the ironing backs up and I need to get through it ( Judi, electricity, Heat and water don’t mix so I do it) as I will need some items for my trip next week. Eric was sort of please to see us and even I thought she looked fat. I might take to chasing her around a bit to run it off her. 20 minutes 3 times a week should do. She must have heard me as she decided to get us up at 5:30 by jumping on the bed and yowling at us. Judi who took to wearing ear plugs whilst we were still in the US does not hear or is she does she hides it well. So it is up to me to explain to Eric that it is not really time yet. I can do this quite effectively with one swipe of a pillow if I am quick.

Whilst we were away all the channels went missing from both our TV’s. I think the landlord is a little tardy paying these bills so I should also worry about Internet access, I can live without TV but not the Web. We managed to get some of them back after a day or so which was a relief given the US open is on. Even I am getting into this tennis watching only but it’s a start. Maybe build a court next to the swimming pool in that house in France. Anyway given where we are Geographically we start to watch late in the evening and finish off the following morning so we sort of get to see everyone but only in bits.

We went to stretch our legs on Sunday and could not get into Red Square. It seems its Moscow’s birthday it is 863 years old and they have some form of “Tattoo” going on. The square is full of grandstands and it looks like they are enough seats to have around 20,000 people in it. A tattoo is like a show but probably with some military content and some marching bands. Any tourist who comes this week are going to be bitterly disappointed as there is no access and almost nowhere where you can view the historical points even St Basil’s is off limits and you don’t mess with a a Russian security guard when he says “net” so lets hope the Travel agents have been well briefed. On the plus side there are fireworks every night for a week and we have a grandstand seat from the apartment. Little consolation for the tourists as they don’t know where we live.

Other than this life is normal (if the life we lead can ever be classed as normal). Passports registered, some shopping done, enough to keep us alive for a few days. I think we might try a big shop on Saturday as I am out for a couple of weeks and Judi works late these days.

The other big news of the week is not the Bank of England leaving the interest rate alone, Obama’s speech on Healthcare and education or England’s soccer team qualifying for the next world cup it is Sir Terry Wogan leaving his daily slot on BBBC Radio two’s morning program after several decades. If you don’t know him he is one of those iconic institutions who you somehow believe will go on for ever. There was a DJ Jimmy Young who seemed to last forever but in the end we were all glad when he was forcibly removed. Not so for Sir Terry he is still in his prime even at 71 he has that twinkle and easy manner which seems effortless. Well we still have a couple of months before he stops and is replaced by someone who is around half his age so still time for a change of heart.

The weather here is still holding up at around 70 -80 degrees the leaves are turning but summer is still here. Reading our guide books it has a chapter on winter, a page or two on summer and Spring and only a sentence on autumn. It just says it comes and goes quickly.

This is a link to the fight I mentioned which happened between monks in the holy Sepulcher church, which I mentioned the other week. it is a shameful reminder that even the holy places are not immune to aggression. Watch and weep for mankind.

Raising a stink

Now hands up how many of you thought this was going to be a “rant” ( shame on you all) its just a ramble.

I was reading an article on the web about Honolulu City considering banning smelly people from their bus’s although the definition was a little weak and I could not tell if strong perfume was in or out. No matter it provoked some thoughts. In England some group of doctors is attempting to get alcohol advertising banned which is the thin end of the wedge. This is how the anti smoking lobby started and look where that is now. Yes I know I should not smoke I know it will possibly kill me and it makes me smell ( I wonder if that would get me thrown off a bus in Honolulu ). However it is a personal choice and as long as I do not inflict it on anyone else I think it is ok. I observe all banned areas and even some which are not. Last week I had a woman who asked me not to smoke within 25 meters of the ping pong tournament on the open deck of a cruise ship which was possibly taking it to its very limit.

So we have an interesting conundrum who sets these standards who decides what is good and bad or acceptable or not. Is there a vote or is it some mad scientist or overly protective parent. I remember being told Coffee is bad for you and they could prove it. If you give a rat too much it gets ill. That to me is not science that is common sense. Give anyone too much of anything and it will upset them. (watch out you drinkers) It does not actually mean that is it bad it means excess is bad and remember what happened to King Midas.

Recently there was a very successful campaign to reduce the fat content or food which got everyone rushing for “trans-fats” or what ever they are although I assume this has pushed up the price of “dripping” (google it) as it will now be a luxury item. Health warnings abound on items we buy or we have taken all the “interesting” ingredients out including sugar, salt, caffeine and I think there is something going on with corn syrup as well as I keep seeing advertisements saying it is ok ( a sure sign someone is nervous ). I wonder if I have hay fever I could stop my neighbors having flowers.

Why is it everyone has become so “Super Sensitive” these days with new and exciting allergies to worry about and more an more things to avoid in case it provokes an outbreak of the plague. Now even I worry about the handles on toilet doors and open them with a paper towel or my foot. I had concerns that where I am now I can not fine that axel grease they call margarine and have to make do with high quality butter. I think the world is becoming too sanitized and this is to our ultimate detriment. My Mother used to say “You need to eat a bit of dirt before you die” Maybe that’s our problem we don’t eat enough dirt so our bodied have forgotten how to fight off these evil bugs which are lurking around just waiting for an unguarded moment.

Another thing, why is it always the things we like or enjoy, how come nobody ever tells us kidney pie will kill you or you need to reduce your intake of spinach. It always has to be the things we enjoy or how could those protectors of the human race get their kicks. Well we shall see.

I am off for a sandwich with butter and ham and cheese, put my feet up and watch TV, have a drink and a cigarette and probably go to bed late after spending too much time hunched over my computer. If I don’t blog for a couple of days you know one of the things I enjoy got me in the end.

PS if you are looking to raise you intake of dirt I recommend a book “How to eat fried worms” so not only do you get dirt you can have it with protein”