Nothing much
That’s what I have been doing all day nothing much. Today is Thursday and it is Heritage day in South Africa and the whole place is closed. I am working out of my apartment which is not the ned of the world. All the locals are off and many of them watching a cricket tournament which started this week. I am staying in the “Mapungubwe” an apartment hotel. Not sure what it used to be but it has been converted from something. To get to my room I take an elevator to the second floor then down the corridor out into another section. Take another elevator up to the sixth floor then go out onto the stairwell and up half a flight of stairs and here I am home.
A nice little room but none of my adapter plugs (and I have two different sets) work. I had of course forgotten this is the only place with the three pin round plugs (like the old English ones). No should that be a problem surely I can survive, well probably not with two Pc’s a Blackberry an iPhone and a camera it is difficult to be too far away from a power source. Anyway I manage to borrow one from reception so all is not lost. The Mapungubwe is right opposite where I am working so convenient if nothing else. It of course also means I have not seen anything of the city. The usual round of taxis and conference rooms, dont get me wrong it is still somewhat exciting but you never really get to enjoy a new place on your own you need someone to share it with.
I did go out for a stroll in the later afternoon after getting a little stir crazy in my room. Johannesburg has a physical style of a mid western American town. Built with very tall solid square buildings with few embellishments. Tall buildings do not allow much sunlight through and there is always one side of a block in shadow. My walk only took me a few blocks everything was closed and whilst I probably saw a hundred people the only Caucasian I saw was my own reflection in a shop window. Not sure if I was worried or not I have to say I was aware but not much more.
Looking for something to do this weekend and there are probably too many things to choose from. Soweto is probably a must along with a tour of the city. Not sure I need a shopping expedition so maybe the Maropeng exhibition which is the “Cradle of life” site.
An interesting anecdote from my arrival. My taxi was not there and I was struggling to raise them on the phone. A woman near by offered to help and said she would phone them for me. Anyway it did not get answered so I wandered off to check the 50 + drivers stood around none with my name on. After about 5 minutes I get tapped on the shoulder and it is the woman again. The taxi firm had called back and she came looking for me through the crowd (and it was a big crowd). I thought that was very kind she was obviously waiting for someone herself and to leave her position and come and find me. She even still had them on the line. So I managed to get myself into town only 15 minutes late. You know sometimes people amaze you. There was no need for her to look after me especially trawling through the arrivals area to find me. I suppose its one of those “Random acts of kindness” they talk about.