Raising a stink

Now hands up how many of you thought this was going to be a “rant” ( shame on you all) its just a ramble.

I was reading an article on the web about Honolulu City considering banning smelly people from their bus’s although the definition was a little weak and I could not tell if strong perfume was in or out. No matter it provoked some thoughts. In England some group of doctors is attempting to get alcohol advertising banned which is the thin end of the wedge. This is how the anti smoking lobby started and look where that is now. Yes I know I should not smoke I know it will possibly kill me and it makes me smell ( I wonder if that would get me thrown off a bus in Honolulu ). However it is a personal choice and as long as I do not inflict it on anyone else I think it is ok. I observe all banned areas and even some which are not. Last week I had a woman who asked me not to smoke within 25 meters of the ping pong tournament on the open deck of a cruise ship which was possibly taking it to its very limit.

So we have an interesting conundrum who sets these standards who decides what is good and bad or acceptable or not. Is there a vote or is it some mad scientist or overly protective parent. I remember being told Coffee is bad for you and they could prove it. If you give a rat too much it gets ill. That to me is not science that is common sense. Give anyone too much of anything and it will upset them. (watch out you drinkers) It does not actually mean that is it bad it means excess is bad and remember what happened to King Midas.

Recently there was a very successful campaign to reduce the fat content or food which got everyone rushing for “trans-fats” or what ever they are although I assume this has pushed up the price of “dripping” (google it) as it will now be a luxury item. Health warnings abound on items we buy or we have taken all the “interesting” ingredients out including sugar, salt, caffeine and I think there is something going on with corn syrup as well as I keep seeing advertisements saying it is ok ( a sure sign someone is nervous ). I wonder if I have hay fever I could stop my neighbors having flowers.

Why is it everyone has become so “Super Sensitive” these days with new and exciting allergies to worry about and more an more things to avoid in case it provokes an outbreak of the plague. Now even I worry about the handles on toilet doors and open them with a paper towel or my foot. I had concerns that where I am now I can not fine that axel grease they call margarine and have to make do with high quality butter. I think the world is becoming too sanitized and this is to our ultimate detriment. My Mother used to say “You need to eat a bit of dirt before you die” Maybe that’s our problem we don’t eat enough dirt so our bodied have forgotten how to fight off these evil bugs which are lurking around just waiting for an unguarded moment.

Another thing, why is it always the things we like or enjoy, how come nobody ever tells us kidney pie will kill you or you need to reduce your intake of spinach. It always has to be the things we enjoy or how could those protectors of the human race get their kicks. Well we shall see.

I am off for a sandwich with butter and ham and cheese, put my feet up and watch TV, have a drink and a cigarette and probably go to bed late after spending too much time hunched over my computer. If I don’t blog for a couple of days you know one of the things I enjoy got me in the end.

PS if you are looking to raise you intake of dirt I recommend a book “How to eat fried worms” so not only do you get dirt you can have it with protein”